Attendance and Punctuality

All Saints CE Primary School offers an innovative curriculum. Regular and punctual school attendance enables every pupil to achieve to the very best of their abilities within a welcoming, stimulating and safe learning environment. Please refer to our attendance policy for our expectations.  We will monitor attendance levels and support our families to ensure good attendance. 


Weekly Attendance - Spring Term 03/02/2025-07/02/2025 - Whole School 96.61%

Oak Class 94.67%
Maple Class 94.35%
Palm Class 98.33%
Cherry Class 98.57%
Willow Class 94.38%
Olive Class 93.55%
Elm Class 91.61%

Be on time for nine.

  • The school day starts at 09:00. Children may arrive at school between 08:45 – 09:00 and go straight to class. 
  • Reception children should enter the school using their classroom gate. Reception latecomers must be brought to the school office by the adult responsible for dropping them off.
  • The school gates are locked at 09:00 for the safety and security of our children. Any child arriving after this time must be brought to the school office where the person responsible for dropping them off will be asked to sign the child into the register book.
  • School finishes at 15:20  for all children.

The School Day 

Our school day starts at 09:00 and ends at 15:20

Morning Afternoon
Reception and KS1 (Year 1 and Year 2) 09:00-12:00 13:00-15:20
Key Stage 2 (Years 3 – Year 5) 09:00-12:00 13:00-15:20
  • Children in Years 5 & 6 can walk home from school on their own if their parents have completed and returned the permission form, available from the school office. 
  • Please inform the school office if someone else will be collecting your child.
  • Children can only be collected at the end of the school day by a family member under 18 provided that the school office has been notified in writing in advance of any such collection. Such collections are not permitted during the school day, when a child must be collected by an adult over 18 years.  
  • If an adult is not waiting for a child they will be escorted to the school office by their class teacher at 15:30 where the school admin team will contact families to assist every child in getting home safely.

What to do if your child is late?

The gates are locked at 09:00 for the safety and security of our children. If you are late you will need to enter through the main pedestrian security gate, which will be opened by the office staff once you announce your arrival on the key-pad intercom. Late attendees are always brought to the attention of the Headteacher. Persistent lateness is always monitored.